TY - BOOK AU - GUPTA, SHASHI K AU - RANGI, PRANEET TI - INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PB - KALYANI PUBLISHERS KW - INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Introduction Meaning And Nature Internationalisation of Business Importance of International Financial Management Recent Trends Review Questions FOREIGN EXCAHGNE MARKET Introduction Meaning and Features Functions Structure of Foreign Exchange Market Types of Transactions Foreign Exchange Market in India Currency Forecasting Review Questions ■. EXCHANGE RATE DETERMINANTS Introduction Theories of Exchange Rate Determination Factors affecting Exchange Rate Role of Central Bank in Exchange Rate Determination Significance of Exchange Rate Arbitrage and Law of One Price Parity Condition in International Market Review Questions I. EXCHANGE RATE SYSTEMS Introduction Gold Standard Bretton Woods System and IMF .Smithsonian Agreement Exchange Rate System Since 1973 Exchange Rate System in India Review Questions 5. REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION Introduction Types/Levels of Economic Integration Effects of Economic Integration Developing Countries and Economic Integration The European Union Review Questions 6. INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS Introduction Structure of International Financial Markets International Capital Markets Review Questions 7. EURO BANKING AND EURO MARKETS Introduction Meaning and Origin Euro currency Market and Eurobanks International Credit Syndication Eurobond Market Recent Developments in Euromarkets Review Questions 3. MODES OF EQUITY FINANCING Introduction World Equity Markets Modes of International Equity Financing Issue Mechanism of Depository Receipts Indian Depository Receipts Risks in International Financing Review Questions CAPITAL BUDGETING FOR INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT Introduction Meaning and Nature of Capital Budgeting Need and Importance of Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting Process Kinds of Capital Budgeting Decisions Methods of Capital Budgeting Problems/Issues in valuation of Cash Flows from Foreign Investment Review Questions .INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT Introduction Reasons for International Portfolio Diversification International Equity Investment International Bond Investing Other Opportunities for Portfolio Investment Optimal International Portfolio Challenges to International Portfolio Investing Review Questions FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Introduction Meaning of Foreign Direct Investment Theories of Foreign Direct Investment World FDI Trends FDI Trends in India Benefits of FDI Arguments against FDI Investment strategy Review Questions. ER -