TY - BOOK AU - TRIPATHI,PC TI - PERSONAL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SN - 978-8180546570 PB - SULTAN CHAND & SONS KW - Introduction Importance of Human Factor Definitions of Personnel Management Characteristics of Personnel Management Functions of Personnel Management Systems View of Personnel Management Objectives of Personnel.Management Underlying Philosophy of Personnel Management Qualities of a Good Personnel Manager Evolution and Growth of Personnel Management in India Is Personnel Management a Profession ? Code of Ethics Human Resources Management (FIRM) Meaning of HRD Characteristics of HRD Difference between the Traditional Personnel Management Function and HRD HRD Methods HRD Outcomes HRD Organisation HRD in Indian Industry Discussion Questions Appendix I: A Detailed List of Operative Functions of a Personnel Manager Appendix II: Subsystems of Human Resources Development System and their linkages in Larsen & Toubro Limited Future Personnel Manager The Context Training in International Attitude and Etiquette Downsizing Core Competence Just-in-Time (JIT) on Lean Production Total Quality Management (TOM) Benchmarking Flat Organisations Team-building Future Personnel Manager Discussion Questions Planning the Personnel Function Personnel Plan Personnel Philosophy Personnel Objectives Functions to be Performed Duties and Responsibilities Personnel Policies Discussion Questions Organising the Personnel Function Corporate Organisation . Forms of Departmentalisation Line and Staff Functions Authority of Personnel Department Nature and Location of Personnel Department in different Types of Organisation Structure Internal Organisation of Personnel Department Line and Staff Conflict Discussion Questions Leadership Definition Sources of Power of a Leader Difference Between a Leader and a Manager Functions of a Leader Approaches to Studying Leadership ('What determines leadership?') Traits Approach Behavioural Approach Contingency Approach Effective Leadership Leader's Characteristics Group's Characteristics Characteristics of the Situation Leadership Style in Indian Organisations Discussion Questions Motivation Definition Approaches to Motivation Characteristics of Motivation Motivation Theories Content Theories Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory Job Enrichment McClelland's Need for Achievement Theory Can Achievement Motivation be Developed? Process Theories Reinforcement Theory Z Theory—Japanese Model of Motivation Methods for Studying Motivation Research on Motivation in India Motivation of Managers Incentives Discussion Questions Job Satisfaction and Morale Job Satisfaction Correlates of Job Satisfaction Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Productivity Morale Determinants of Morale Relationship between Morale and Productivity Morale Study Building Company Morale Morale Studies in India Discussion Questions . Employee Communication Meaning Purpose of Communication Process of Communication Directions of Communication Flow Downward Communication Upward Communication Horizontal Communication External Communication Communication Networks Evaluation of in-Plant Communication Communication in Indian Industries Informal Communication (Grapevine) Features of the Grapevine Discussion Questions Control and Audit Steps in Control Process Establishment of Standards Measurement of Performance Correction of Deviations Requirements of an Effective Control System Why People Object to Controls' Kinds of Control Devices Discussion Questions Procurement of Personnel Determination of the Kind or Quality of Personnel Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification Determination of the Quantity of Personnel (Manpower Planning) Objectives of Manpower Planning Manpower Planning Process Manpower Planning in India Recruitment and Selection Placing the Requisition Indent Recruitment Selection Placement Recruitment and Selection in India Sources of Recruitment in India Use of External Screening Agencies Use of Multiple Hurdle Techniques/Tests Reservation in Employment for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped Persons Prohibition to Employ Child Labour Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Discussion Questions Appendix: Application Blank Performance Appraisal Purposes of Appraisal Factors Affecting Performance Appraisal The Appraisal Process . Combining Several Performance Criteria intc a Single Composite Criterion Deciding Frequency of Appraisals Who Can be the Appraiser? Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods Ranking Method Rating-scale Method Check-list Method Forced-Choice Method Field Review Critical Incident Technique Confidential Report Essay Appraisal Limitations of Traditional Appraisal Methods Management by Object. ves (MBO) Benefits of MBO Limitations of MBO Essentials of a Sound Appraisal System Evaluating the Performance Appraisal Process Performance Appraisal in Indian Industries Guidenlines for making Performance Appraisal Programme Successful Performance Appraisal in Indian Industries Discussion Questions Appendix 1: List of Important Criteria which can be Used to Appraise the Performance of Different Classes of Employees in an Organisation Appendix 2: Specimen—Appraisal Form for Operatives Appendix 3: Specimen—Appraisal Forms for Executives Training and Development Training, Education and Development Principles of Learning Knowledge of Results Motivation Reinforcement Supporting Climate and Practice Part Versus Whole Learning Transfer of Learning 1 raining Responsibility for Training Training Policy Place of Training in Company Management Need and Objectives Determining Training Needs Selection of Trainees and Trainers Training Methods for Operatives Job Rotation Internship Training Apprenticeship Vestibule School Evaluation of the Training Programme Executive Development Need and Objectives . Determining the Need for Executive Development Selection of Trainees Executive Development Methods Evaluation of Training and Development Reaction Evaluation Outcome Evaluation Immediate Intermediate Ultimate Executive Training and Development Practices in India Institutional and Government Efforts for Training Operatives Workers' Education Organisation Development (OD) Need Characteristics of OD Steps Involved in Implementing OD Programme Conditions for Success of an OD Programme Discussions Questions Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Executive Training Needs Survey Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Staff Supervisory Training Needs Survey Appendix 3: Questionnaire to Evaluate a Training Programme Career Planning and Promotion Career Planning Steps in Career Planning Career Development Succession Planning Promotion Requirements of a Sound Promotion Policy Advantages of Promotion Policy Designing a Seniority System Seniority vs. Merit Potential Appraisal Steps for setting up a Good Potential Appraisal System Discussion Questions Change, Absenteeism and Turnover Job Change Advantages of Job Change Job Change Plan Demotion Transfer Transfer Policy Indian Law on Transfers Separation Layoff Retrenchment or Downsizing Resignations or Quits (Attrition) Retirement Oth.N- Job-related Issues Absenteeism Labour Turnover Discussion Questions . KW - EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. LABOUR WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY . GRIEVANCE . EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE . TRADE UNION S . COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. . INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES IN INDIA WORKER PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT .RECORDS AND RESEARCH ER -