TY - BOOK AU - NARGUNDKAR RAJENDRA TI - SERVICES MARKETING TEXT AND CASES SN - 978-0070682122 PB - TMH KW - Prelude to the Seven P's of Services Marketing An Introduction to Services What Are Services? Fastest Growing Services Classifying Services STP, or the Strategic Aspects of Services Marketing Segment Selection or Targetting a few Segments Mini Case 1 Tata Infotech Reficusses on the Corporate Segment Positioning for the Selected Segments Role of Marketing Research Increasing Use of CRM and Data Mining Search, Experience and Credence Attributes Services Marketing Environment in India Ethics in Services Marketing Case Study 1: A Questionnaire to Assess Global Competitiveness in Service Industries Case Study 2: Service Brands: A Case Study ofX anadu Building the Brand Equity ofa New Training Institution Case Study 3: The Annapoorna Dabbawalla Company Ltd. Case Study 4: Kadavu Resorts Product—The First P Introduction to the Seven P's (711's) Service Product Service Life Cycle Service Design: A General Framework Service Quality: The Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml Models Customisation versus Standardisation Defects, Failures and Recovery Service Guarantees: Do They Work? Service Level Agreements Mini Case 1: Hanuman Motor Company: The Case of an Automobile Dealer Mini Case 2: Branding of!NG Vysya Bank and the Group Mini Case 3: Innovative Service Products: The Case ofIIMK's e-MEP Discussion Questions Integrated Case Studies Using SERVQUAL Case Study 1: ICICI Bank Case Study 2: India Post Amidst Competitive Times Place—The Second P Has the Internet Made Location a Redundant Variable? Transcending Physical Constraints of Location Channel Management Issues The Strategic Role of 'Point of Sale' Terminals in Credit Cards/Debit Cards Mini Case 1 Mutual Funds that Have Distribution Arms Do Well Case Study 1: E-Choupal—Initiative of ITC Case Study 2: Finding the Right Path for Pathfinder Promotion—The Third P Promotion Objectives Promotion Plan Timing the Promotions: A Promotion Life Cycle Advertising Spends of Banks in India: A Rising Graph Trends: Increasing Use of Below-the-line Media or Sales Promotions Special Considerations in Promotion of Services Mini Case 1: ICICI Bank Mini Case 2: Kerala Tourism: God's Own Country? Case Study 1: Regal Multiplex Price—The Fourth P Pricing a Service Product Demand Variations, Capacity Constraints Pricing of Financial Services Pricing in Hyper-competitive Sectors Psychology of Pricing Fixed versus Floating Prices in Financial Services Pricing Information Technology (IT) Services Mini Case 1: Pricing a Courier Service Mini Case 2: Dropping Prices, the New Challenge for India's IT Sector? Mini Case 3: Barista's New Brew Yield Management and its 'Strategic Levers' Service Cost Reduction Strategy Case Study 1: From Bean to Barista Case Study 2: Direct and Daring People—The Fifth P People—The Key to a Service Business Recruiting Employees The HR Function in Services Motivation on the Job The Move Towards Value-Added Jobs Measuring Productivity of People in Service Organisations Mini Case 1: Skyway Airlines: People Problems Mini Case 2: Are Technical Skills Enough? Mini Case 3: Skills Needed by IT Firm's Employees Training of Employees Case Study 1: Fair 'n' Beautifid Pvt. Ltd. Case Study 2: Protech BPO Physical Evidence—The Sixth P Servicescapes Designed for Employees and for Customers , The Importance of Design , , Case Study 1: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Process—The Seventh P The Customer's Point of View , Blueprinting , Technology—a Boon or Bane , Managing the Waiting Process , Use of Information Technology (IT), Offering Greater Choice, A Major Service Process: Complaints Management and Service Recovery, Order Taking and Order Fulfilment: Two Major Processes , , , Integrated Service Strategy Growth Strategies for Service Businesses , Quality Strategies for Service Players , Customer Satisfaction Measures and Their Use in Improving Service Performance , Service Profit Chain—Linking Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction to Company Profits , Strategy for Market Leaders , Strategies for Challengers , Strategies for Followers , Strategies for Niche Marketers , Service Performance Metrics , Innovation, the Last Frontier? , , Case Study 1: Who needs IT Products? Services are Supreme, Case Study 2• Satyam Moves into Consulting, Case Study 3: Des? Innovators in IT Case Studies ofA ndale and PaCSOft , Case Study 4: From an NBFC to a Bank: Kotak Mahindra's Strategic Shift, Case Study 5: Indian Railways at Crossroads , Case Study 6: Phony Software , Case Study 7• General Electric Company , Case Study 8: Jet Airways—A Services Marketing Case Study, Globalisation of Services Globalisation and India, Five Stages of Globalisation , Standardisation versus Customisation, Managing Employees/Partners in the Process of Globalisation , Case Study 1: Factors Determining Global Competitiveness , Case Study 2: The BP° Industry , Retailing in India and Around the World Skills Needed for Organised Retailing , Reading I. Modernisation in Indian Retailing: Managerial and Policy Perspectives Reading 2• Developing Profitable Shopping Malls , , Case Study 1: Charnock City Supermarket , Lase Study 2: Coffee, Tea, or Me? , Srudl, 3: IndiaFoods.corn—A Services Marketing Case Study on Food Retailing , rudi 4: Urbane: The Retailing Enigma , Customer Relationship Management (CRM) otCRM , • . ER -