TY - BOOK AU - SWIFT LOUISE AU - SALLY DIFF TI - QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE SN - 978-1403935281 PB - PALGRAVE KW - ESSENTIAL MATHS Numbers and symbols . Positive and negative numbers: adding and subtracting . Positive and negative numbers: multiplying and dividing . Combining addition, subtraction, multiplication and division . Using a calculator . Introducing letters and symbols . Working with symbols: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing . Simplifying expressions . Equivalent fractions and cancelling . Adding and subtracting fractions . Multiplying and dividing fractions . Putting it all together — and a note on percentages . Expanding brackets .Factorising . Powers . Powers of products and quotients . Fractional powers . Solving problems . How equations arise . Solutions to equations: recognising and guessing . A method for solving equations . Formulating and solving equations . Rearranging equations and substituting . Inequalities . Some special equations . Introducing logs .Solving equations when the unknown is a power . Quadratic equations . The expert equation solver . Modelling using curves . . Quadratic curves . Some common functions . Variations on standard curves . When do these curves arise? . Curve sketching in general . Rates of change . The gradient of a curve . More differentiation . Interpreting derivatives . Maximising and minimising DESCRIBING DATA . Pictures of data . Frequencies and histograms .Stem and leaf diagrams .Pictures of one categorical variable: bar charts and pie charts .More graphs for numerical data . Categorical data that come in pairs . Lies, more lies and statistics? .Summarising data .The centre of a set of data . The spread of a set of data . I and a short-cut for variance . Quartiles . Technology to the rescue! . Constructing indices . Grouped data .Describing data: your toolkit PROBABILITY .Measuring uncertainty . Introduction to probability . Combining events: AND and OR .Conditional probability .Calculating joint or AND probabilities . More complicated probabilities — made simple! . Numerical outcomes .Introducing random variables . Expectation: the long run average .The variance of a random variable .The binomial distribution . The Poisson distribution .Continuous numerical outcomes . Probability density functions (pdfs) .The exponential distribution .Introducing the normal distribution .Calculating normal probabilities .The normal approximation to the binomial distribution STATISTICS . Estimation . .Estimating from a sample . How good is an estimator? .Interval estimates . Beware, variance unknown! .Testing hypotheses . Introduction to testing .The structure of a test .Tests for the mean . Rejection regions: another approach to testing .Correlation and regression .Data that come in pairs .Fitting a straight line to the data .The linear regression model .Extending the linear regression model: the multiple linear regression model .Forecasting . Displaying time series . Introduction to forecasting . Coping with trend and seasonal effects .Forecasting series with a trend and seasonal effect .Comparing two populations . The difference between two means . Difference between two means: small samples .Categorical data . Proportions .More than two categories .Contingency tables Statistics formulae BUSINESS MODELLING .Linear programming models .A small linear programming problem .More complicated linear programming models .Planning projects .Drawing a project planning network .Scheduling activities .Models for inventory control .An inventory model .Making the model more realistic .Time and money .Calculating interest .Present values .Series of payments .Decision making .Introducing decision making .Payoff tables .Decision-making criteria .Decision trees .Controlling quality .Control charts for the mean .R-charts and p-charts .Simulating reality .Why simulate? . A simple simulation . Generating random inputs .Simulating from other probability distributions ER -