TY - BOOK AU - VOHRA N D TI - QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES IN MANAGEMENT SN - 978-0070146730 PB - TMH PUB CO LTD KW - Decision-Making and Quantitative Techniques Quantitative Approach to Decision Making: OR/MS Quantitative Analysis and Computer-based Information Systems Plan of the Book Linear Programming: Formulation and Graphic Solution Linear Programming Formulation of Linear Programming Problems General Statement of Linear Programming Problems Assumptions Underlying Linear Programming Solution to Linear Programming Problems—Graphic Method Some Special Cases Linear Programming II: Simplex Method Simplex Method Solution to Maximisation Problems Solution to Minimisation Problems Big-M Method Two-Phase Method Some Special Topics Linear Programming III: Duality and Sensitivity Analysis Duality in Linear Programming Economic Interpretation of Dual Sensitivity Analysis Specially Structured Linear Programmes I: Transportation and Transhipment Problems Problem Statement Solution to the Transportation Problem Some Special Topics Dual of the Transportation Model Sensitivity Analysis Production Scheduling and Inventory Control Transhipment Problem Specially Structured Linear Programmes H: Assignment Problem Assignment Problem: A Variant of the Transportation Problem Solution to the Assignment Problem Some Special Cases Dual of the Assignment Problem Extensions of Linear Programming: Integer Programming and Goal Programming Integer Programming Solution to IPPs Goal Programming Modified Simplex Method for Goal Programming Sequencing The Sequencing Problem Solution to Sequencing Problems Maintenance Crew Scheduling—An Application . Inventory Management Introduction Types of Inventory Inventory Management Systems Fixed-Order Quantity System The Question of Safety Stock Periodic Review System . Appendix Determination of EOQ(Q*) for the Classical EOQ Model Determination of the Optimal Lot Size Q* for the Production-lot Size Model Determination of Q* and S* for the Planned Shortages Model Queuing Theory General Structure of Queuing System Operating Characteristics of Queuing System Replacement Theory Replacement Policy for Equipment which Deteriorates Gradually Replacement of Items that Fail Suddenly Staff Replacement PERT and CPM . Decision Theory One-Stage Decision-Making Problems Multi-Stage Decision-Making Problems: Decision Tree Utility theory: Utility as Basis for Decision-Making Markov Chains Brand Switching Example . Markov processes. / Markov Analysis: Input and Output / /Theory of Games / Game Models / Two-Person Zero-Sum Games and Their Solution Solution of 2 x n and m x 2 Games Solution of m x n Games—Formulation and Solution as an LPP Limitations of the Game Theory Dynamic Programming Dynamic Programming versus Linear Programming Dynamic Programming: A Network Example Deterministic versus Probabilistic Dynamic Programming . Simulation Introduction Process of Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Simulation of an Inventory System Simulation of Queuing System Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation Applications of Simulation . Investment Analysis and Break-Even Analysis Time Value of Money Annuities Investment Analysis: Capital Budgeting Methods of Incorporating Risk into Capital Budgeting Break-Even Analysis . Forecasting Forecasting Models Qualitative Models of Forecasting Time Series Models of Forecasting Causal Models of Forecasting ER -