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ISBN 978-9325969056
Topical Term EVOLUTION OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS PART I: COMMERCIAL BANKING THEORY COMMERCIAL BANKING Functions of Commercial Banks and the Services Rendered by Them Agency Services; General Utility Services General Structure and Methods of Commercial Banking Certain Sound Commercial Banking Principles; Employment of Funds by Commercial Banks; Earning Assets of a Bank; Self Liquidating Paper Theory vs Anticipated Income Theory Mechanism of Credit Creation Limitations on Creation of Credit The Clearing House System Systems of Banking Group Banking and Chain Banking; Unit Banking and Branch Banking Investment Banking and Mixed Banking Universal Banking Merchant Banking Virtual Banking Green Banking CENTRAL BANKING THEORY CENTRAL BANKING Functions of a Central Bank Monopoly of Note Issue Note Issue and the State; Principles of Note Issue; Systems of Note Issue; Reserve Requirements and Currency Regulation Monetary Policy Objectives; Instruments of Monetary Policy; Practical Difficulties; Bank Rate Policy; Open Market Operations; Variable Reserve Ratio; Secondary Reserve Requirements Qualitative Instruments of Monetary Policy Credit Rationing; Direct Action—Moral Suasion—Publicity; Selective Credit Controls As Banker and Advisor of the State As Bankers' Bank and Lender of Last Resort As Central Bank of Clearance; As Regulator of Banks As Custodian of Nation's Reserves Recent Trends in Central Banking Transparency in Monetary Policy; State and the Central Bank; Central Bank and Economic Development; With Particular Reference to Developing Economies. INDIAN BANKING . .THE INDIAN JOINT-STOCK BANKS Indian Joint-stock Banks and Branch Banking Lead Bank Scheme Foreign Branches of Indian Banks; Bank Mergers and Amalgamations; Growth in Deposits Capital Funds Diversification in Banking Activities Banks' Entry into Insurance Business; Developments in Retail Banking; Housing Finance; Banks' Investment in Capital Market; Formation of Other Subsidiaries for Para-banking Activities; Equity Investment in Commodity Exchange; Clearing Corporation; Technological Developments in Banks; Speed Clearing Financial Innovations Take-out Finance; Securitization; Reverse Mortgage Loans Flexi Bank Account Asset Structure of Indian Joint-stock Banks Cash in Hand, Balances with Banks and Loans-at-call and Short Notice; Bills Purchased and Discounted; Investments; Loans and Advances APPENDIX: Master Circular on Branch Licensing (July 2004); Master Circular on Branch Licensing in Respect of Regional Rural Banks (Till July 2008); Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking: International Experience and Indian Evidence; Strategies for Strengthening Weak Banks: Cross-country Experience; Insurance and Banking: Issues of Overlap; Securitization; Take-out Finance COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INDUSTRIAL FINANCE Sectoral Deployment of Credit Exposure Norms Term Lending Term Lending in India; Can Term Credits be Endowed with Liquidity?; Inter-institutional Group on Lending Operations; Consortium/Participation Arrangements; Syndicated Loan System; Participation Certificates; Mutual Funds; Financing of Sick Industrial Units Role of Banks in Export Promotion Toda Report on the Export Credit System Report of the Working Group to Review Export Credit Meetings of the Working Group; Banks and Export Insurance The Export Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) Financial Institutions: Role of Commercial Banks and Related Matters Classification of Financial Institutions; Industrial Finance Corporation of India; State Financial Corporations; Unit Trust of India; The Industrial Development Bank of India; National Housing Bank Regulatory and Supervisory Framework Coordination between Banks and Financial Institutions Harmonization of the Role of Banks and Development Financial Institutions Universal Banking APPENDIX: Issues of Co-ordination between Banks and Financial Institutions; Universal Banking: Supervisory and Regulatory Aspects; Discussion Paper COMMERCIAL BANKS AND PRIORITY SECTORS Classification of Priority Sector Advances Agriculture; Small-scale Industries; Other Activities/Borrowers in the Priority Sector Certain Types of Funds Deployment Eligible as Priority Sector Advances Investment in Special Bonds; Other Investments; Lines of Credit; Bills Rediscounting; Deposits in Rural Infrastructure Development Fund; Leasing and Hire Purchase. Targets for Priority Sector Lending by Scheduled Commercial (Excluding RRBs) Main targets for Scheduled Commercial Banks; Sub-targets for All Scheduled Comm Banks Excluding Foreign Banks; Targets for Foreign Banks; Deposits by Foreign Banks with SIDBI Towards Shortfall in Priority Sector Lending; Contribution by Banks to Rural Infrastructure Development Fund Common Guidelines for Priority Sector Advances Processing of Applications; Mode of Disbursement of Loan; Repayment Schedule; Rates of Interest; Penal Interest; Inspection Charges; Insurance Against Fire and Other Risks; Other Charges; Photographs of Borrowers; Discretionary Powers; Machinery to Look into Complaints; Amendments; Revision to the Guidelines Financial Inclusion 'No-Frills' Accounts; General-purpose Credit Cards; Pilot Project for 100 per cent Financial Inclusion; Financial Inclusion Fund and Financial Inclusion Technology Fund Commercial Banks and Agricultural Finance Financing of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACSs) by Commercial Banks; Action Taken on Gupta Committee Report; Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP); Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY); Micro Credit by Banks; Recent Developments; Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP); Simplification of Processes and Procedures; Relief Measures for Agriculture-Interest Rate Subvention; Recommendations of the Radhakrishna Expert Group on Agricultural Indebtedness; Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 Commercial Banks and Small-scale Industries Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana; Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SSRY); Credit to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector Master Circular Lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector State Level Inter Institutional Committee; Empowered Committee on MSMEs; Debt Restructuring Mechanism for MSMEs; Cluster Approach; Committees on flow of Credit to MSE sector; Banking Codes and Standard Board of India (BCSBI); Credit to Khadi and Village Industries Commission; Scheme for Guarantee of Loans and Advances to SSIs; Credit Guarantee Scheme for Small Borrowers; Differential Interest Rate; Lead Bank Scheme; Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI); Recent Developments in SSI Sector Lending BANKING LEGISLATIONS AND REFORMS I Banking Regulation Act, 1949 Banking Companies and the Reserve Bank of India; The Banking Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960; The Banking Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 1960; The Banking Companies (Amendment) Act, 1961; Banking Companies (Amendment) Act, 1962; The Banking Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1963; Banking Laws (Application to Cooperative Societies) Act, 1966; Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, 1962 Social Control Over Banks The Banking Laws (Amendment) Act, 1968 Nationalization of Commercial Banks Banking Companies (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act, 1970; Second Phase of Nationalization; Achievements; Nationalized Banks and Branch Expansion; Nationalized Banks and Priority Sectors; Capital Adequacy; Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) (Amendment) Act, 1994; Managerial Autonomy for Public Sector Banks Regional Rural Banks Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976; Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) Act, 1987; Kamath Working Group and Dantwala Committee; Efforts for Improving the Efficiency of RRBs Differential Interest Rates (DIR) Credit Authorization Scheme. Cred tfanning x .0fDebts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993; Banking Regulation lArnendinent) Act, 1994 The New Private Sector Banks Local Area Banks The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Ordinance, 2002 Measures Aimed at NPA Management Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006; Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) and Financial Institutions Laws (Amendment) Act, 2006; Banking Codes and Standards Board of India; The Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2007; Mobile Banking Transactions in India: Operative Guidelines for Banks BANKING LEGISLATIONS AND REFORMS II The Banking Commission Recommendations of the Banking Commission; Action Taken on the Recommeridations of the Banking Commission Report of the Study Group to Frame Guidelines for Follow-up of Bank Credit Norms for Inventory and Receivables; Working Capital Gap and Bank Finance; Proposed Style of Credit; Guidelines for Follow-up, Supervision and Control of End-use of Bank Credit; Other Recommendations; Action Taken on the Recommendations Committee on Penal Rates and Service Charges Committee on Transfer of Loan Accounts Follow-up Action Working Group on Planned Participation of Commercial Banks in Rural Electrification Schemes Follow-up Action Working Group on Housing Finance Follow-up Action Interim Report of the Working Group on Customer Service in Banks Recommendations; Follow-up Action Janakiraman Committee on Securities, Operations of Banks and Financial Institutions Goiporia Committee on Customer Service Working Group on Inspection of Banks Working Group on Inter-branch Reconciliation Committee on Frauds and Malpractices in Banks Committee on Industrial Sickness and Corporate Restructuring Shetty Committee on Lending under Consortium Arrangement Narasimham Committee Report (I) (1991) on the Financial System Follow-up Action Narasimham Committee (II) (1998) Recommendations Follow-up Action Committee on Credit Delivery System to SSIs Working Group on Restructuring of Weak Public Sector Banks Follow-up Action Working Group on Management of Overseas Operations of Indian Banks Follow-up Action Working Group to Explore the Possibilities of Setting
Form subdivision Conditionality International Liquidity Special Drawing Rights SDR Valuation Basket; SDR Allocation; Conclusion India and the IMF Financial Facilities to India The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Features of IBRD; Conditions on which the Bank Guarantees or Makes Loans The World Bank Group The International Finance Corporation; The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes APPENDIX: Guidelines on Conditionality . BANKER AND CUSTOMER The Banker The Customer .Relationship between Banker and Customer-General Features of the Relationship A Debt by a Banker vis-à-vis an Ordinary Commercial Debt Special Features of the Relationship Appropriation of Payments; Banker's Right of Set-off; Banker's Obligation to Honour the Customer's Cheques; Banker's Duty to Maintain Secrecy of the Customer's Account; Banker's Lien; Banker's Right to Charge Interest and Commission; Garnishee Orders; Banker-Customer Relationship in the Context of Bankers'; Book Evidence Act . ACCOUNTS OF CUSTOMERS Precautions to be Taken While Opening a Bank Account Special Types of Customers Lunatics; Drunkards; Undischarged Bankrupts; Minors; Married Women; Agents; Executors and Administrators; Partnership; Joint Stock Companies; Local Authorities; Trust Accounts; Unincorporated Bodies; Joint Accounts; Joint Hindu Families Fixed Deposits CHEQUES Requisites of a Cheque Differences between a Cheque and a Bill of Exchange Dating of Cheques Crossing of Cheques General Crossing; Special Crossing; Persons Authorized to Cross a Cheque; Person Authorized to Open Crossed Cheques Endorsements Significance of Endorsements; Kinds of Endorsements Marking of Cheques Holder and Holder in Due Course Holder of a Negotiable Instrument; Holder in Due Course of a Negotiable Instrument Liability of the Drawer for Dishonour of Cheques . PROMISSORY NOTES Illustrations; Specimen Forms Legal Decisions THE PAYING BANKER Conditions for Honouring Customer's Cheques; Circumstances under which a Banker is Justified in Refusing Payment of a Cheque Drawn on Him Protection Given to a Paying Banker Crossed Cheques; Uncrossed Cheques; Demand Drafts Payment in due Course Money Paid by Mistake Payment of a Stopped Cheque in Error Payment of Domiciled Bills THE COLLECTING BANKER Liability for Conversion Statutory Protection The Collecting Banker should Act in Good Faith and Without Negligence; Protection only for Crossed Cheques; Cheques Should be Collected for a Customer; Banker as a Holder for Value Collection of Bills Collecting Banker and Presentment for Acceptance; Rules Regarding Presentment for Acceptance; To Whom the Bills should be Presented for Acceptance; Collecting Banker and Presentment for Payment .Duties of the Collecting Banker to the Customer Illustrations CUSTOMER'S PASS BOOK Entries in the Pass Book—Effect of Errors Favourable to the Banker and those Favourable to the Customer Closing an Account LOANS AND ADVANCES I Principles of Bank Lending Liquidity; Profitability; Safety and Security; Purpose; Social Responsibility; Industrial and Geographical Diversification; Recommendations of the Talwar Committee Methods of Granting Advances Cash Credit; Overdrafts; Bills Discounting and Purchasing; Issue of Letters of Credit; Loans Secured Advances Forms of Securities; Banker's Lien; Pledge; Mortgage–Hypothecation Mortgage of Movables LOANS AND ADVANCES II Secured Advances—Types of Securities: Land and Building Stock Exchange Securities Valuation of Stock Exchange Securities; Margin for Stock Exchange Securities; Liquidity of Stock Exchange Securities; Charging Stock Exchange Securities—Necessity of Written Agreements (Memorandum of Deposit); Negotiable Securities; Non-negotiable Securities Produce and Goods Retention of Title Clauses Documents of Title to Goods Disadvantages; Precautions; Bill of Lading; Dock and Warehouse Warrants; Warehouse- keeper's Certificates; Delivery Order; Way Bill or Lorry Receipts Life Insurance Policies Security Against Term Loans Unsecured Advances Guarantees Contract of Guarantee and Contract of Indemnity; Kinds of Guarantees; Guarantees as Banker's Security; Termination of Guarantee; Legal Decisions APPENDIX: Loans and Advances—Statutory and other Restrictions; Annexes
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