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ISBN 978-9351610502
Personal name PRASAD,LM
Name of publisher SULTAN CHAND & SONS
Topical Term Nature of Management Concept of Management Management and Administration: A Terminological Conflict Importance of Management Nature of Management Management: Science or Art Management as Profession Professionalisation of Management in India Universality of Management Applying Management Theory in Practice Effective Management Effectiveness and Efficiency Different Approaches of Managerial Effectiveness • Effective Manager Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Interpersonal Relations Development of Management Thought Evolution of Management Thought Early Contributions Taylor and Scientific Management Fayol's Administrative Management Bureaucracy •Hawthome Experiments and Human Relations Social Systems Approach Decision Theory Approach Management Science Approach Human Behaviour Approach Systems Approach Contingency or Situational Approach Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Farm Equipment Limited Management Process and Skills Nature of Management Process Management Functions Management Roles. Behavioural Approach of Management Process Functions at Various Levels of Management Top Management Middle Management Supervisory Management Functional Areas of Management Management Skills Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Bharat Engineering Works Limited Managers and Environment Concept of Environment Environmental Factors Nature of Environment Impact of Environment Changing Indian Business Environment Challenges Before Indian Managers Globalisation of Economy Increasing Quality Consciousness Emphasis on Knowledge Management Mergers and Acquisitions Changing Workforce Profile Newer Organisational Designs Approaches to Meet Environmental Challenges Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Consumer Products India Limited Social and Ethical Issues in Management Social Responsibility of Managers Why Social Responsibility of Business? Making Social Responsibility Operational Approaches for Measuring Social Performance Social Audit Operation of Social Responsibility in India Ethical Issues in Management Concept of Ethics Values "IYpes of Values Factors in Value Formation Values and Behaviour Value Systems of Indian Managers Corporate Governance. Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Lifebuoy Swasthya Chetna —Planning Fundamentals of Planning Concept of Planning Nature of Planning Importance of Planning Steps in Planning Types of Planning Corporate and Functional Planning Strategic and Operational Planning Long-tenn and Short-term Planning Proactive and Reactive Planning Formal and Informal Planning Types of Plans Barriers to Effective Planning Making Planning Effective Planning in Indian Organisations Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Excel Oxygen Limited Mission and Objectives Mission and Purpose Formulation of Mission Objectives Hierarchy of Objectives Role of Objectives Objective Setting Guidelines for Objective Setting Areas of Objective Setting Change in Objectives Management by Objectives MBO in Indian Organisations Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Kavery Limited. Strategic and Operational Plans Strateg- Forrnulation of Strategr Implementation of Strategy Policy Procedures, Methods, and Rules Procedures Methods Rules Project Budget PIYpes of Budgets Types of Budgeting Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Saregama India Limited Planning Premises and Forecasting Concept of Planning Premises Types of Planning Premises Making Premising Effective Forecasting Concept of Forecasting Techniques of Forecasting Sales Forecasting: Key to Planning Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Balsara Hygiene Products Limited Decision Making Concept of Decision and Decision Making Types of Decision Decision-making Process Effective Decision Individual Vs. Group Decision Making Rationality in Decision Making Decision-making Conditions Problem Solving Approaches for Problem Solving Routine Approach Scienific Approach Quantitative Approach Creative Approach Quantitative and Non-quantitative Bases for Decision Making. Non-quantitative Techniques for Decision Making Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making Operations Research Decision Tree Linear Programming Game Theory Queuing Theory or Waiting Line Theory Key Concepts for Review Discussion guestions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Paramount Enterprises Limited Part Ill—Organising . Fundamentals of Organising Concept of Organisation and Organising Concept of Organisation Theory Classical Organisation Theory Neoclassical Organisation Theory Modern Organisation Theory: Systems Approach Modern Organisation Theory: Contingency Approach Factors Affecting Organisation Structure Environment Strategy Technolgoy Size People Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Action Technology Limited Design of Organisation Structure Concept of Organisation Structure Formal and Informal Organisations Need for Formal Organisation Structure Approaches for Organisational Design Departmentation Bases of Departmentation Choice of Bases of Departmentation Span of Management Determination of Span of Management Wide or Narrow Span Tall or Flat Structure Key Concepts for Review. Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Stylotex Limited . Forms of Organisation Structure Line Organisation Structure JLine and Staff Organisation Structure Functional Organisation Structure Divisional Organisation Structure Project Organisation Structure Matrix Organisation Structure Team-based Organisation Concept of Team Effective Team Team Creation Committee Task Force Free Form Organisation Virtual Organisation Virtual Office Boundaryless Organisation Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Product Development Team 4. Power and Authority Concept of Power V Bases of Power Concept of Authority Sources of Authority Limits of Authority Responsibility Delegation of Authority Blocks to Effective Delegation Measures for Effective Delegation Centralisation and Decentralisation Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: The Assistant Business Manager 15. Authority Relationships Concept of Line and Staff Authority Line Authority Staff Authority. Line and Staff Conflict Overcoming Line-staff Conflict Is Line and Staff an Obsolete Concept? Depiction of Authority Relationships Organisation Chart Organisation Manual Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective guestions Awareness Developer Case: Prashant Hosiery Private Limited Conflict and Coordination Concept of Conflict Functional and Dysfunctional Aspects of Conflict Individual Level Conflict Interpersonal Conflict Intergroup Conflict Conflict Management Coordination Types of Coordination Techniques of Effective Coordination Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Sheetal Textiles Limited Organisational Change Nature of Organisational Change Factors in Organisational Change Planned Change Process of Planned Change Human Response to Change Resistance to Change Overcoming Resistance to Change Change Agents Role of Change Agents Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Mr. Kamal Nayan Part IV—Staffing Fundamentals of Staffing Concept of Staffing Factors Affecting Staffing Manpower Planning Manpower Planning Process. Job Analysis Process of Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Supreme Engineering Limited Recruitment and Selection Concept of Recruitment and Selection Sources of Manpower Supply Selection Process Selection Tests Interview Placement and Induction Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Popat Engineering Company Training and Development Concept of Training and Development Training Methods Sensitivity Training Transactional Analysis Organisation Development Self-Development Evaluation of Training Effectiveness Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Indian Industries Limited Performance Appraisal Concept of Perforrnance Appraisal Methods of Performance Appraisal Appraisal Based on Traits Appraisal by Results or Objectives Appraisal for Promotion Basis of Promotion Barriers to Effective Appraisal Measures For Overcoming Barriers to Appraisal Job Evaluation Objectives of Job Evaluation. Methods of Job Evaluation Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Vishal Components Limited Part V —Directing . Fundamentals of Directing Concept of Direction Principles of Direction Direction and Supervision Effective Supervision Order Giving Techniques of Direction Directing and Human Factor Models for Directing Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Super Engineering Company Motivation Theories Concept of Motivation Motivation and Behaviour Motivation and Performance Theories of Motivation Masow's Need Hierarchy Herzberg's Motivation-hygiene Theory McClelland's Needs Theory Alderfer's ERG Theory Vroom's Expectancy Theory Porter-Lawler Model of Motivation Equity Theory Carrot and Stick Approach of Motivation McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Theory Z Contingency Approach of Motivation Motivational Pattern in Indian Organisations Key Concepts for Review Discussion Questions Objective Questions Awareness Developer Case: Swetal Finance Li
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