Significance of Foreign Exchange Rate Introduction-Growing importance of International finance-Introduction to foreign Exchange Markets-Exchange Rate'-`Determinants-Supply and Demand factors of currency-Exchange Rate Theories International Financial System Exchange Syms in the world-Role of IMF and 'World Bank-Impact of regional Economic Integrations-Global Integration of economic systems and exchange rate-Issues relating to developing countries-Capital Account Convertibility International Financial Markets Major InterRajional Financial Markets-Euro banking and Euro currency markets -American and Japanese Capital Markets-Term Structuring in International Capital Markets International Financing Modes of International Equity Financing-Depository Receipts-Issue mechanisms-International Credit Instruments-Euro bonds and Notes-International credit syndication mechanisms recent developments in the Euro markets-Risk factors in International Financing International Investing International Investing-Capital Budgeting for International Investments-Foreign Direct Investments-Problems in the valuation of Cash flows-Cash management from international Business-International Portfolio investing-Opportunities and Challenges --Nature and Scope of International Finance Foreign Exchange Market Foreign Exchange Transactions Theories of Foreign Exchange International Financial System International Financing International Investment International Currencies and Currency Codes